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Veterinary Professionals

Improving the quality of life for dogs with canine cruciate ligament rupture. Can you share information about how cruciate surgery has affected dogs in your care?

Help build the evidence-base so that we can better understand which surgical techniques and implants improve patient outcomes.

Akita dog on a table, surrounded by vets and vet nurses

Are you a veterinary professional who is already taking part?  Access the portal 

About the registry

Cranial cruciate ligament rupture is one of the most common causes of lameness in dogs. There are multiple surgical techniques available, though there is a lack of high-quality evidence comparing the outcomes and complications associated with these techniques.

RCVS Knowledge’s free Canine Cruciate Registry provides an opportunity to address this by gathering data, to improve our ability to evaluate the benefits of particular procedures or implants and to more quickly recognise any quality concerns with new techniques, resulting in improved patient safety. We will be able to identify patient-related factors which may influence the outcome and help accurately guide client decision making. It relies on information reported by you, and by your clients.

bookmark star iconThe registry is open to ALL veterinary surgeons in the United Kingdom performing any surgical technique. The registry is the first of its kind, in the veterinary profession, anywhere in the world.

How it works



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Question about account details on the platform: Amplitude Clinical Outcomes customer.support@

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Questions related to Canine Cruciate Registry project, please contact: ebvm@rcvsknowledge.org
